La llibreta d'esbossos (3)
O també, a la llibreta d'esbossos, hi ha story-boards. Aquest el recordo, tot i que fa anys que el vaig fer. El porc decideix fer esport, règim, etc... per fer una vida sana. Al final, però, dos que el veuen, comenten: "Quina mala cara que fa... es nota que no fa vida sana..." Com que era per a un llibre de text per mainada, els editors van considerar que era massa irònic i finalment en vaig haver de fer una altre... :)
O también, en la libreta de bocetos, hay story-boards. Éste lo recuerdo, aunque hace años que lo hice. El cerdo decide hacer deporte, régimen, etc ... para hacer una vida sana. Al final, sin embargo, dos que lo ven, comentan: "Cué mala cara que hace ... se nota que no hace vida sana...". Como era para un libro de texto para niños, los editores consideraron que era demasiado irónico y finalmente tuve que hacer una otra ... :)
Or also, in the sketchbook, there are story-boards. I remember this even though I made it years ago. The pig decides to practise sport, begin a diet, etc... to have a healthy life. In the end, however, two people that see him comment: "How bad is he looking... he obviously does not have a healthy life..."
As it was for a textbook for children, the editors considered that I was too much ironic and finally I had to make one another... :)
O también, en la libreta de bocetos, hay story-boards. Éste lo recuerdo, aunque hace años que lo hice. El cerdo decide hacer deporte, régimen, etc ... para hacer una vida sana. Al final, sin embargo, dos que lo ven, comentan: "Cué mala cara que hace ... se nota que no hace vida sana...". Como era para un libro de texto para niños, los editores consideraron que era demasiado irónico y finalmente tuve que hacer una otra ... :)
Or also, in the sketchbook, there are story-boards. I remember this even though I made it years ago. The pig decides to practise sport, begin a diet, etc... to have a healthy life. In the end, however, two people that see him comment: "How bad is he looking... he obviously does not have a healthy life..."
As it was for a textbook for children, the editors considered that I was too much ironic and finally I had to make one another... :)